
Within these pages, you'll discover a collection of drawings that have been crafted with utmost care and passion. Each stroke of the brush or pen is a testament to my deep love for the art form and my continuous pursuit of artistic excellence.If you have any inquiries, wish to commission a piece, or explore potential collaborations, I am here with open arms and an eager heart.Thank you for visiting, and I hope this portfolio sparks inspiration and resonates with your artistic sensibilities. Let's embark on a creative journey together, where we can bring your artistic visions to life in the most captivating and meaningful way.

Giovanni - invidia

Giovanni emerged from the sterile confines of an artificial womb, a testament to mankind's unyielding ambition. But his first breath, tainted by the acrid stench of a merciless world, seared his lungs. A callous society, where compassion had withered away, awaited him with gnarled claws and jagged teeth.

viktor - Latrius

In the shattered remnants of a world consumed by darkness, Viktor stood, his spirit an unwavering flame amidst the encroaching shadows. A survivor in a desolate wasteland haunted by the etú, he was an embodiment of resilience and defiance.

Velupio - ????

In the infinite expanse of the cosmos, where celestial secrets whispered among the stars, stood the Library of Āul. A sanctuary of wisdom and enlightenment, it thrived under the watchful gaze of Velupio, the omniscient god who guarded its hallowed halls.

my other works

Not all of my works are of characters of my own creation, sometimes I do more than that, I like to take inspiration from other creatives works.
Not only that, but I too like to draw pre-historic animals.

reach me

If you are interested in reaching out to me, for whatever reason, these are my socials, please, contact me!